If Christ Ahnsahnghong Is God, Shouldn’t He Show Signs and Miracles?

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When we look at the prophecies of the Bible, not signs and miracles, we can correctly recognize and believe in Christ.

Signs and Miracles Are Not the Evidence of Christ

It is very dangerous to try to seek the true God only through signs and miracles. Jesus prophesied that false Christs would deceive people through signs and miracles in the last days.

“For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.” Mt 24:24

Because false Christs are to deceive people with signs and miracles in the last days, God will never save His people in the same way. Therefore, signs and miracles cannot be the evidence of Christ. If we follow signs and miracles, we cannot be saved, being deceived by false Christs.

The Bible Testifies About Christ

About 2,000 years ago, although people experienced Jesus’ miracles, they did not recognize Jesus as Christ. Even though people saw the amazing miracle of feeding five thousand people with five barley loaves and two fishes, they turned back when Jesus taught them the truth of eternal life; and only the twelve disciples were left (Jn 6:1–15, 54–66). Those who focus on signs and miracles cannot recognize Christ.

“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” . . . From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. Jn 6:54–66

Jesus said that the Bible testifies about Him (Jn 5:39). The saints of the early Church believed Jesus as Christ and testified about Him through the prophecies of the Bible (Ac 17:2–3, 11–12; Lk 24:25–32). It is the same in this age. We need to carefully study the prophecies of the Bible, not signs and miracles, in order to receive Christ.

Christ Ahnsahnghong Performed the Greatest Miracle

In actuality, Christ Ahnsahnghong performed the greatest miracle. He made known to people the way to have eternal life.

If someone heals a fatal disease or raises the dead, it will be regarded as a great miracle. However, even those who are healed or raised cannot live forever but die eventually. For those who live in pain and are destined to go to hell, the true miracle is to make them live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven full of joy and happiness. This is a miracle that only God can perform (1 Ti 6:15–16).

Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the New Covenant Passover, the truth of eternal life that only God can grant us. Human beings can keep the Passover which no one knew for about 1,600 years since it was abolished in AD 325. Ahnsahnghong the Christ who came a second time, performed the greatest miracle of eternal life for mankind through the Passover of the New Covenant.


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