
God divided the six thousand years of His redemptive work into three ages.
Through the work of God in the Age of the Father, the Age of the Son, and the Age of the Holy Spirit,
we should correctly recognize Christ and receive Him, so that we can be saved.

Bible & Christ

The Bible is a book that contains the words of God the Creator. God let the Bible be written by many people over a period of about 1,600 years, and He Himself has kept it intact as to its original meaning. It is because the Bible contains the secret of eternal life (Jn 5:39), which enables people to be saved from sin and death and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The greatest secret of all is Christ, who is to appear to save humankind (Col 1:26–27; 2:2–3). Through many prophecies that transcend time, the Bible testifies about the Savior who is to come to this earth. Only through the Bible can we receive Christ, that is, God coming in the flesh.

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God has worked for the salvation of humankind,
with a different name in each age.
So the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit appear in the Bible.

Before Jesus

God the Father Jehovah said He would establish a new covenant

Jehovah, God the Father, created the heavens and the earth by His word. Then, He made humans and let them live in the Garden of Eden. As human beings were destined to die as a result of disobedience to God’s command, God set up a system of sacrifice by the shedding of blood, and showed them the way to eternal life from a distance.

Afterward, the LORD God chose the Israelites and established the Old Covenant with them. God granted His blessings only to those who obeyed the covenant. This foreshadowed that only those who kept God’s covenant would be saved in the future as well. God prophesied that He would establish a new covenant, and said that He would acknowledge those who keep the New Covenant as His people and save them (Jer 31:31–33).

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First Coming of Jesus

Jesus, God the Son, proclaimed the New Covenant

Two thousand years ago, God came in human form. He is Jesus, God the Son. Jesus Christ lived thoroughly in accordance with the prophecies of the Old Testament. According to the prophecy of King David’s throne, He preached the gospel of the Kingdom during His three-year public ministry after He was baptized at the age of thirty. Then, He sacrificed Himself on the cross as the Lamb carrying the sins of humankind.

The Passover, which Jesus established through His precious blood of sacrifice, is the core of the New Covenant, which allows people to have the complete forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Just as the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt by keeping the Passover in the Old Testament times, the saints of the New Testament are freed from sin and death by keeping the Passover of the New Covenant and come to the path of salvation toward Heaven.

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Second Coming of Jesus

God the Holy Spirit, Christ Ahnsahnghong, restored the New Covenant

After the ascension of Jesus, the church became secularized, and the truths of the New Covenant began to be changed one by one. The church abandoned the truths of life, including the Sabbath and the Passover, which Jesus taught and practiced as an example for us, and accepted false doctrines such as Sunday worship and Christmas. Since the New Covenant disappeared, the way to salvation that God opened has disappeared.

The Bible has prophesied that Jesus will come again to restore the truth of the New Covenant and grant salvation to humankind. Before the Day of Judgment, He is to come to this earth a second time to restore all the truths of the early Church. According to this prophecy of the Bible, God has come in the flesh with the new name of Jesus and restored the New Covenant. He is Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Holy Spirit.

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