The story of Noah’s ark reveals God’s message of salvation to humankind. What is the spiritual ark that humankind must seek before the last disaster comes?
Many people know the story of Adam and Eve recorded in the book of Genesis in the Bible; however, they do not know the secret of salvation hidden in it. This is something we all must know.
The history of the Bible begins with the creation of the heavens and the earth, and ends with the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. God prophesied the work of redemption to lead humankind to Heaven, through the work of creation of the heavens and the earth.
What is the purpose of reading the Bible? God gave us the Bible to lead humankind to salvation. The Bible directs us to the Savior so that we can obey His teachings, gain wisdom and understanding, and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Bible testifies about the Savior Jesus Christ. Not only Jesus Himself, but also the apostles, testified that Jesus Christ is the Savior through the Bible. If we do not believe in the Savior, whom the Bible testifies about, it reveals that we do not believe in the Bible and God.
What kind of book is the Bible? Where did the word Bible originate from? Let’s find out the arrangement of the Bible books, the original languages written in the Bible, and the origin of the name Bible.
The Trinity means that God the Father Jehovah, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit are one God. God the Trinity divided His work of redemption into three ages, and worked with a different name in each age. With what name did He work in the Age of the Holy Spirit?
Why can we call the Bible the word of God? Although the Bible was recorded by dozens of people who lived in different times and different environments for over 1,600 years, its content is consistent and unified.