Teachings of God

Christ Ahnsahnghong has completely restored the truth of the New Covenant
that Jesus established 2,000 years ago. It includes the teachings about God the Mother,
the Sabbath and the Passover of the New Covenant, the Seven Feasts in Three Times, and the matters of soul.

The Truth of the Soul

The human soul is a theological topic of discussion throughout the world. Many religionists, including Christians, study the subject of the soul and explain it in different ways. Wherever you go, you may be unable to hear any thesis or sermon which is definite, convincing and consistent.

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God the Mother

Christ Ahnsahnghong has taught us all the truths of salvation contained in the Bible. Particularly, He has revealed to us the existence of God the Mother, the core truth of the Bible. Let us look at Christ Ahnsahnghong’s testimonies about God the Mother, the Savior in this age. Her appearance has been prophesied ever since the creation of the world.

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New Covenant

According to the prophecy that the LORD God would make a new covenant, Jesus established the New Covenant through the Passover. Through the Passover of the New Covenant, human beings have been able to receive complete forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

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Great Legacy

Christ Ahnsahnghong left precious books that recorded the truth leading to salvation. The books contain detailed teachings so that anyone can realize the truth of salvation that was sealed in the Bible and receive eternal life.

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