Is the Name Ahnsahnghong Written in Bible?

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What is important is not whether the name Ahnsahnghong is written in the Bible, but whether He fulfilled the prophecies of the Bible.

Christ Jesus Is Testified by the Prophecies of the Old Testament

If Christ could be proven only if His name was found in the Bible, we would be unable to believe in First Coming Jesus as the Christ, either. Two thousand years ago when Jesus preached the gospel, there was only the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, we can only find records that we can be saved in the name of the LORD—Jehovah—(Isa 43:11; Joel 2:32). The name Jesus was never mentioned as the name of the Savior in the Old Testament.

Then, how did the saints in that age recognize Jesus as the Christ? They did so through the prophecies of the Old Testament. Jesus said, “The Scriptures testify about Me,” and He Himself testified that He is the Christ through the prophecies of the Old Testament (Jn 5:39; Lk 24:27, 32). The apostles, too, testified about Jesus with the Old Testament (Ac 17:2–3; 28:23). It is because the Old Testament prophecies about Christ were undoubtedly fulfilled by Jesus.

Christ Ahnsahnghong Is Testified by All the Prophecies of the Bible

What proves that Jesus is the Christ is not His name but the prophecies of the Bible. The same is true for Christ Ahnsahnghong. His name is not recorded in the Bible. However, Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled all the prophecies of the Bible about the Christ who would come a second time to save all humanity. We must never reject Christ just because His name is not found in the Bible, but receive Him through the prophecies of the Bible.

The Bible prophesied that the name of the Holy Spirit—the new name of Jesus—would be given to God’s people (Rev 3:12). Therefore, we must not hold fast only to the name Jesus, but find out what His new name is. Then, we will realize that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Savior who came with the new name of Jesus in the age of the Holy Spirit according to the prophecies of the Bible.

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