The gospel is an important message promising us eternal life and the Kingdom of Heaven. Since the core of the gospel is the Passover of the New Covenant, the church that preaches the gospel must have the truth of the Passover.
Despite change from the Old Testament times to the New Testament times, there are still laws that God’s people must keep. It is the New Covenant that Jesus established, which is the Law of Christ.
Baptism is a ceremony for us to be born again into a new life by burying all of our past sins in water. Jesus commanded us to be baptized because it is a sign of salvation and the first step toward the life of faith.
God commanded His people to celebrate the Seven Feasts in Three Times (the seven major feasts). The seven feasts determined according to the work of Moses are the prophecies about God’s work of salvation.
The Bible teaches that during prayer or worship, men should not cover their heads while women should do with veils. Following Christ’s example, the true church of God must keep the regulation of the veil.
The Passover is important because it is the truth that contains the promise of eternal life. In order for our souls to be saved, we must keep the Passover of the New Covenant.
The seventh-day Sabbath is to commemorate the Creator and worship God. There is no Sunday worship in the Bible. In the New Testament times, Jesus and the apostles kept the Sabbath on Saturday, not on Sunday.
What is the greatest commandment in the Bible? How can we put it into practice? When we realize the principle of love contained in the Passover of the New Covenant, we can keep the greatest commandment.
The early Church kept the truth of the New Covenant such as the Sabbath and the Passover that Jesus established. Today, the Church of God is the only church that has restored the truth of the early Church.